
EA Autosampler Series – Autosampler for Elemental Analysis

  • Enhanced lab efficiency, less idle time between analysis
  • Enabling unattended and 24/7 operation
  • Enhanced results quality due to maximum precision in sample dosing, elimination of operation mistakes
  • Easy to use – software controlles operation, implemented self cleaning (for liquids sampler)

AOX Autosampler Series – AOX Sampler for Small and Large Sample Series

The autoX samplers are available in different versions. This allows you to optimally adapt the multi X 2500 to the requirements of your laboratory operation, relevant analysis standards and sample throughput. The autoX series autosamplers allow flexible automation. From small AOX sample series in vertical up to multi-matrix variants for introduction of large series of AOX, EOX and TOX samples in vertical or horizontal operation.

  • Wide application range – AOX column method
  • Cost-effective solutions for small sample series
  • High throughput speed – up to 112 samples in a run
  • Flexibility – two functions one system
  • Maximum safety in horizontal AOX analysis – boat sensor

AAS Autosampler Series – A range of autosamplers for flame and hydride technology (AS-F and AS-FD) and for use in graphite furnace (AS-GF) offer unique flexibility and efficiency in routine analysis. In addition to the automatic standard and sample feed, the autosampler provide more comfort to simplify your routine work.

  • Automatic standard preparation
  • Intelligent sample dilution
  • Automated dosage of modifiers and further reagents
  • Automatic depth adjustment

TOC Autosampler Series – The TOC autosampler series offers a tailored automation concept with low-cost entry-level models and application-optimized high-throughput solutions.

  • Up to 147 sample positions for flow injection TOC analyzers
  • Up to 112 sample positions for direct injection TOC analyzers
  • Automatic sample homogenization
  • Automatic acidification and parallel purging in NPOC mode
  • Sophisticated rinsing regime for optimum carryover control